Sharpermead - Photos and Thoughts from Scott Harper
September 8th, 2016 Imke and I went up to the Osterfelderkopf and took the Nordwandsteig over to the Bernadeinkopf. Imke went down the Schöngänge and back to the Kreuzeck so she could work the Flying Fox that afternoon. I decided that I wanted to hike a bit more (unfortunately too much, three days later and my legs are still toast!). I went down to the Stuibensee and then over to the Mauerscharte, Stuibenkopf, and Stuibenspitze. At this point I could feel the first signs of heat exhaustion setting in on me (massive headache and nausea). I took a break in the shade on top of the Stuibenspitze before heading down slowly. I decided to go slow and didn't think I would make the last ride down from the Kreuzeck so I headed to the Partnachklamm since my legs couldn't handle anymore up and down. It was quite the hike; I didn't get home until almost 10 o'clock that night.