Sharpermead - Photos and Thoughts from Scott Harper
June 22, 2016. After the ski season I fell into a deep depression and I haven't been very social or wanting to do anything at all. I didn't want to be around anyone except Imke. I started to go to a naturopath in May and have been doing better everyday (thank you Berthold Zwerger!). Weather has been rainy and not very conducive to photos for someone like me without a lot of ambition. It is steadily coming back though; my ambition that is. I have started to look back at past photos. With Iceland playing in the UEFA Euro 2016 I thought I would go back to my Reykjavík,Iceland trip from 2012. Imke and I had a blast in the two days we were in Reykjavík on an extended layover.
I am not putting descriptions on the photos. I spent four or five days reviewing and editing and feel that the photos speak for themselves and I want to have this page up before the kickoff. If you have questions or comments feel free to contact me. Áfram Ísland!
Click on the photos for a larger view and remember that the panos are interactive. Be sure to check them out.